Of course in the middle of the break debacle, I try to start the &^%$! van and it would not. Start that is!
I had messed around with so many wires I had no idea where to start looking. This was mildly deflating to say the least.
So, after I licked my wounds, I dove in. Checked spark, fuel and found that the fuel pump was supposed to turn on briefly when turning the key to prime the system. It was not. So I decided to track wires. Of course, I found crappy broken wires that would not do in the long run at all. I ran new power and ground to the fuel pump and back to the ECM. In the course of this I found a broken wire in the harness that I am sure I caused, but realized that I MUCH rather have it happen in the driveway than out on the road somewhere.
I also investigated more of the wiring and found a corroded combined lead in the engine compartment that looked like hell and was asking to fail. I cleaned, replaced, soldered and heat shrink wrapped (my normal routine for ALL the wires I find).
Did that fix it? Nope.
So I started investigating the fuel pump relay (tested ok) and finally jumped it directly. Van started right up! So I knew I was on the right track.
Messing around with the three wire bundles to the ECM I noticed that the connections looked crappy at best. Then I found that when I moved one of the bunches, it would start the fuel pump. Holy crap what I time bomb!
So I unwrapped it ALL and cleaned, soldered and heat shrink wrapped. Suprisingly, it still did it. I then traced it back to a slighly loose B134 plug. I need to hit a junkyard to find a replacement, but found that if I shimmed it, it was very steady. So that is what I did.
insert a lot of time here -->
Pain in the butt, but I feel better that it's more consistent now and looks much nicer. Next step is to buy 2 inch wire loom and wrap the whole thing so that it's more weatherproof.